Celebrating the Year of Scotland
In 2022 ACF celebrated its 30th anniversary, welcoming a full program of activity to celebrate this momentous achievement. Highlighting the Celtic nations of Brittany, Cornwall and Wales the program will feature the return of the Street Parade, Highland Games and Strongman Events, Re-enactment village, Celtic Markets, Local and National Celtic music and dance performance, Medieval Long Table Dinner, King Arthur and the Legends of the round table in our Camelot Kids Marquee all in the one big precinct at The Australian Standing Stones, national monument.
The 2025 festival will be held from Thursday 1 to Sunday 4 May in Glen Innes, NSW. We invite you to come and experience this unique Festival in the spectacularly colourful autumn that is a highlight of our cool New England climate.
Marie Gibson and Mike Gilbert
Clan Buchanan will be represented by Clan Herald Malcolm Buchanan, please contact him with any queries and/or to lend a hand. Don’t forget to ask them about all the happenings at the inauguration last year!
We want to get a Clan Buchanan plaque in the Celtic Family Wall; so come along to witness and support this.