The Clan Buchanan gathers with their Chief Michael Buchanan and his family at the 2019 New Hampshire Highland Games
This new description demonstrates their commitment to promoting the values and objectives of the CBSI,
and helping us achieve our goals by taking a practical interest and making a financial contribution.
To our Wardens, we say “Clarior Hinc Honos”!
Why join the Clan Buchanan Society International?
Pride in being a Buchanan and celebrating your Scottish heritage.
The right to call yourself a Warden of the clan!The Buchanan Banner – our full colour newsletter - comes out four times a year to keep you up to date on what’s going on with your Buchanan clan folk around the world. Each edition averages 45 pages of news, notes, photographs and other items of interest to our members.
Fellowship and Leadership – many new friends you will make and family members you will learn about as you participate in new social and cultural experiences. The Society needs conveners, regents, commissioners, and elected officers. All of these positions need to come from the ranks of the membership. We hope you will give serious consideration to joining the Clan Buchanan Society International Inc. today.
Camaraderie – The CBSI sponsors Buchanan Clan Tents at Celtic festivals and highland games across North America, Australia and the U.K. There you will meet your “cousins” and share in your Buchanan and Scottish heritage. Experience the thrill of marching under our very own Black Rampant Lion flag! Be proud of your heritage and wear your Buchanan tartan! An event calendar is available on our Member Planet platform.
Genealogical Service – The Society has three genealogists who provide, at no charge to Society members, assistance in researching their family tree. Each genealogist will accept and acknowledge family records and assist in finding additional information. Short requests that can be answered using the Buchanan files will be provided free of charge. Members requiring extensive services may contract with the genealogist on an individual basis with the US$50 dollar start-up fee being waived. The names and addresses of the Society genealogists can be found in The Banner on the Clan Officials page.
Genealogical Libraries – The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogical Library, located in the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library in Moultrie, Georgia, serves as the official repository of records, documents, relics and artifacts for the Society and its individual members if they so desire. AND we now have a dedicated website solely for our genealogical records
Financially support clan initiatives like this website, our Genealogy resource, appearance at Highland games, initiatives like the “Loch Lomond preservation” or Archaeology initiatives and many more.
How to join
If you’re here, you may already be a member of Clan Buchanan (especially if your Surname is Buchanan or one of our loyal Septs), but our membership is open to anyone wishing to explore Scottish heritage regardless of having a direct connection to the Clan Buchanan.
Memberships is only
US$25 — Annually, Individual or Family
US$15 — Annual Senior (70+)
US$75 — Sponsor (4 years), Individual or Family
US$500 — Life membership, Individual or Family
Clan Buchanan Society International uses the Member Planet website to maintain our membership. Joining is easy, simply go to the Member Log in, choose your membership level, pay using our secure payment site and then begin to explore your Buchanan heritage! If you are already a member be sure to login to receive news and event notifications from the Society.
Or if you prefer you may download a pdf file of our
membership application or renewal application
and mail it in - the US address is on the form.
Joining CBSI Oceania
Due to Australian regulations, there is a separate membership process for Oceania. Click here for details.