The Inauguration Celebration of The Buchanan was held, 7th – 10th October 2022, Callander Scotland.
More details in the commemorative January 2023 Buchanan Banner that is available to CBSI members in the Warden section.
For the first time in over 340 years, the Clan Buchanan welcomed a new chief: J. Michael Baillie-Hamilton Buchanan, Chief of the Name and Arms of Buchanan. The Chief and his family hosted and organised a traditional Scottish ceremony at the Clan Seat in Callander, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
Golf tournament
Buchanan Castle Estates in Drymen hosted a ‘Buchanan Clan’ social golf tournament at Buchanan Castle Golf Course in the morning.
Bacon rolls, tea and coffee in the clubhouse to start the day.
The first official event for our exciting long weekend – the Social Golf Day at the Buchanan Castle Golf Club in Drymen.
Inauguration Ceremony
The Clan Chief Inauguration ceremony was conducted in the walled garden nestled in the shadows of Cambusmore Manor on the Cambusmore Estate.
Download the Program
Guest speakers
Alison Lumsden a graduate of the Universities of Aberdeen (MA Hons) and Edinburgh (PhD) spoke about her academic career and the role of Sir Walter Scott has to history. She commented that Scott’s fiction has undergone something of a renaissance in recent years his poetry, which captivate her, sadly, remain neglected.
The 2nd speaker, Peter McDonald, is Scotland’s foremost tartan historian and the Honorary Head of Research & Collections for the Scottish Tartans Authority. He has been studying and researching tartan for the past 40 years and is an authority on 18th and early 19th century patterns and weaving techniques, through to the early commercial production of tartan. The photos shows Peter comparing the variations of tartans worn by two clansmen at the inauguration, in October, 2022.
Peter comparing the variations of tartans worn by two clansmen. Shane Watson and Michael Richardson.
Peter Yates a former resident of Cambusmore and an artist he was invited to enlighten us on life on the estate. With the failure of the data projector he focused his talk on fishing which brought in the relevance of the estate name being ‘big bend in the river’.
But, the images he wished to show us are here
A completely unrelated photo of Matt Flowers (Chiefs Brother-in-Law) catching and releasing a Sea Trout on Cambusmore estate
Highland games
The Clan Chieftains arranged a selection of games for all clan folk’s participation during the late afternoon. Civilised competition and social recreation conducted outside the marquee on the lawns and surrounding areas.
A traditional Ceilidh
A local band and Buchanan Family callers reeled the night away. A time to flick up your kilt, kick up your heals and enjoy the Scottish traditions of Ceilidh dancing.
Andrea and Trevor Dancing with the Stars
Solemn Service
A solemn spiritual service at the Cambusmore Chapel, a short walk from the event marquee.
Clan Parliament
The procession returned to the walled garden on Cambusmore estate for the first Buchanan Clan Parliament for more than 300 years.
Guest Speakers
Matt Buchanan talked on Marketing and Engaging the youth
The Buchanan and Lady Buchanan discussed their thoughts and answered questions.
Archaeology Presentation by Kim Tuovinen was not able to be presented due to technical difficulties, but here it is:
Formal “3 feathers” Dinner
Formal proceedings were concluded with a dinner in the walled garden of Cambusmore.
Presentations were made and some light entertainment.
Lunch at Buchanan Castle Golf Course
A closing ceremony at the Buchanan Castle Golf Course club house – the ruins of the Auld House, the former home of the Buchanan Chiefs.
The Buchanans hosted an impromptu, casual dinner at Cambusmore estate