The No Fame Games is a new arrival (about 5 years) on the New England scene of Scottish Heavy Athletics. The event is a small one focusing on getting back to the roots of heavy athletics and away from the major elite awards driven athletics.
They are a great group of men and women and I hope we can throw our support behind the important work they are doing, keeping the very foundation of the true Highland Games alive!!
the No Fame Games focuses on the Heavy Athletics, traditional Stonelifting, Celtic Clan tents, and good food and drink. We will have the traditional 9 heavy events as well as our iconic Team Highlander competition. Athletes will be coming from all over New England, the United States, and abroad. It is a gathering of people from the wide spectrum of society, forged together in friendship by stone, heavy metal, and tree.
Our double wide Clan Buchanan tent will be proudly displayed and hosted by Northeast Regional Director, Dave Gilman and his family. Please come down and support this group of athletes and their organization which is very supportive of amateurs who wish to grow in the sports. If you have any questions or want to help me out, please email…
If you are interested in representing the Clan at events or assisting please feel free to reach out to me. We have plenty of resources to help you out.