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Michigan Celtic Festival

  • Wahtenaw Farm Council Grounds Saline USA (map)

Formerly known as Saline Celtic Festival

Friday: a fun evening for the family!

Friday at the Festival was all about having fun - high energy entertainment in the Beer Garden where the Michigan craft beer, wine, cider and mead flows. The food is cooking, the forge is fired up, the jousters are jousting, and the merchants are selling.

Saturday: All Day Festival Fun!

​Parade to the Opening Ceremony - massed Pipes & Drums Bands

Following the ceremony - the real fun begins when the Saline Fiddlers take the stage!

Celtic Bands & Dance performances will alternate between the Red Dragon and Brecon stages all day and all evening.

The Celtic Festival is proud to host Ancient Athletics for our annual Highland Games.

Wee Folk Fun is a kid's area like no other! Kids (accompanied by their parents) can participate in activities ranging from free arts and crafts, free games, and ducky races. And all of it is free!!

Pipes & Drums Bands - Several pipe & drum bands perform at the Celtic Festival.

Dancers from all over the Midwest and Canada compete in our Highland Dance Competition

Master weavers give demonstrations throughout the day in our Textiles area.

If you enjoy traditional food, then you're going to love Millie's Grill! Vintage House will be serving up the traditional foods including their award-winning corned beef, Irish stew and other culinary delights. There will be ice cream and hot dogs, pizza and cookies, and kabobs and slushies available on the food court.

Clan Buchanan will be represented by Kyle Buchanan – Get there and support your Clan! Please contact him with any queries or to lend a hand!

Earlier Event: June 28
Red Deer Highland Games
Later Event: July 12
Festival at Fort 4