McGreusich, Grosick, Groassick, Grocey, Crassie, Gross, Grosse, Gressiche, Graysich, Graisich, MacGeorge, MacGrassel, MacGrasiche, McGeorge, McGrassel, McGrasiche
The Gaelic form of the name Greusaich, which means “cordiner” or “shoemaker”. Auchmar says that the MacGrewsichs were descended from a Buchanan to emigrated to Argylshire with the Laird of Ardkinglass’ Lady sometime after 1640.
Adams says that they are descended from one of the first MacAndeoirs (son of the Dewar).
Heatmap of surname MacGreusich and relations, created from the United Kingdom 1881 census and the Griffith Valuation for 1853-1865. By Scaled Innovation. Click to enlarge.